7 reasons you need social media training

A social Media Training SessionIt’s 2020, and social media is more important for businesses than ever before. According to Statista, 67% of the UK’s population are active on social media. With the average user spending 2 hours and 22 minutes per day consuming content.

If used properly, it can be a highly cost-effective way to market your business. Offering endless opportunities to increase brand awareness, generate leads and drive traffic to your website.

According to Shareable companies who focus on social selling and building customer relationships on social media see an average of 119% better ROI than those that choose to ignore it.

If you are a small business or just starting, it can be hard to find the time to build an active social media presence and can also feel a bit like shouting into a tunnel. Using social media to market your business is also very different from using it personally.

Firstly, you will need to develop a robust strategy which takes into account your business objectives, the needs of your audience and who you need to engage with.

You will also need to understand insights to help you work with the algorithms and regularly assess what is working and what isn’t.

Social media training can and will help you to do this. Read on for my top reasons why you should invest in social media training today.

1) It will be flexible and tailored

When it comes to social media, there is no such thing as a one size fits all approach. Training will be bespoke to your needs and help you to identify and focus on the areas that will help you to grow your business and build an emotional connection with your customers.

2) It will save you time

Time is precious and without a robust understanding of your social media objectives and how to use it you and your employees will spend a significant amount of time researching how to plan content, monitor changes and whether to use Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or all four.

Investing in training will remove this headache by helping you to understand what you need to prioritise and how to strategically and effectively meet your objectives.

3) It will build your confidence

Not knowing how to do something is frustrating and demotivating. Social media training will equip you with the knowledge and the tools you need to implement your ideas and measure your success.

It will help you to understand what platforms your audience are using. Which type of content is working and how to get in front of your desired target audience. Giving you the confidence to embrace social media and use it in a whole new way.

4. It will save you money.

Understanding what you are doing and learning to use social media in a strategic way effective way will ensure you know where to focus your efforts and stop you from wasting money on producing content that doesn’t reflect you or your business or resonate with your audience.

5. Your brand deserves it

You have built a business you are proud of, so why not show it off? Research shows that 60% of people will check out a small business on social media before purchasing from them. A strong, engaging social media presence will ensure you achieve stand out, build a loyal following and create a customer experience that adds value.

6. To stay up to date

Social media is continually evolving. Algorithm’s change, rules on best practice change and new tools come out all the time. Regular training and investment in your social media will help you to stay ahead of your competitors and benefit yourself and your team.

7. To build relationships

Consumers today expect the buying process to be a two-way conversation. We object to being sold to and are far more likely to buy from brands we have an emotional connection with and who share content that is both informative and that we can connect with emotionally. Telling your story and sharing insight and information into what you do and how you do it. Will increase the ‘know, like, trust’ factor and help you to build high-value relationships with your audience.

Social media training will help you take your business to the next level. To, find out more about our social media training.