Are you sick of scratching your head, scrambling around for content and wondering if you should jump on board with the latest social media trends. It’s time to take control with a Social Media Strategy Workshop.

My social media strategy sessions are designed to help you lay the foundation for a solid social media strategy that fits with the time, money and resources you have available. And ensures you can build meaningful relationships you can take offline.

Social Media Strategy workshops. What’s the benefit?

No more worrying about what to post, when and where. As we will work together to develop a framework and plan that ensures you can show up consistently in a way that feels right for you and your business. 

You’ll understand what type of content, messaging and platform attracts your audience. Learn to navigate the data so you know what’s working and develop a plan that you can actually stick to.

How does it work?

Social Media Strategy Sessions are bespoke to your needs and can be delivered as a ½ day or a full day workshop. Together we work through my tried and tested framework 10 Steps to social media success to give you a framework you can easily implement.

We cover:

  • How social media fits into the wider marketing mix. 
  • Defining and setting your social media goals.
  • Understanding your audience, their challenges and their social media habits.
  • What you need to say to stand out. 
  • How to optimise your profile and pages to ensure your business stands out.
  • The technical ways to boost your organic growth
  • How to create meaningful conversations you can take off line.
  • Understanding the analytics
  • How to create a plan you can actually stick to.

The sessions mix practical information, discussions, and implementation, with plenty of time to ask questions. 

There will also be a follow-up session 2-4 weeks later to answer any questions and ensure you are taking action.

Investment: Costs are bespoke to your requirements and dependent on the level of investment and the number of attendees.

Are you ready to have a chat? Call me (Melanie) on 07811 324 032 or email, and start developing a training programme unique to your business.

We were feeling really at sea with Social Media - which platforms to use, and when, what to post and where. Mel brought much-needed clarity and focus, helping us build an overall strategy to suit our business channels that we can evolve and develop. Her approach was so honest and open, and her knowledge and experience were exemplary. She even coached us through the platforms we were not familiar with! Thank you, Mel.

Katherine Dart, Grape & Nectar

Want to know how I can help? You can start the conversation here.

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