Make your social media work smarter and harder


Even if you are a productivity ninja, it can be hard to stay on top of everything. Sadly, as a small business owner, it can be challenging to make time for your marketing and focus on growing your business. 

In 2021’s online and digital landscape, it is more than ever crucial to stay visible, be consistent and add value for our audience. There are people out there who want and need your services and for us service-based providers people will often be considering our services for a year or more before they ‘know, like and trust you enough to take that leap.’ 

Being visible doesn’t mean showing up every day and creating loads of video although if you have time and the inclination then go for it, that’s great! If not read on, find out how you can stay visible, save yourself time and be more productive.

1.Be consistent: The algorithm and your audience love consistency for many of us; this means posting on our social media every day. But if this is a struggle for you to work out what is feasible according to your schedule, what content is meaningful to your audience? And stick to that goal even if it is only 2-3 times per week!

2.Make the most of your Bio: When was the last time you updated your profile? Does it say what you do, how you can help and who you work with? 

3.Use a clear call to action: You are focussing on producing content for your audience that helps them, adds value and positions you as a thought leader.  BUT if you don’t tell people how to take the next step. Someone may really want to work with you, but if they don’t know how to contact you or take the next step, then the chances are they won’t do it. 

4.Use the content you have: What has worked in the past, and how can it be repurposed?  Do you have blogs, videos or website content you can use and breakdown? I actually repurposed this blog by transcribing a video with the help of and have started dictating some posts using This will save you time and can also be your authentic voice!


5. Identify which platform & format works for you: We have A LOT of choices when it comes to using social media for our businesses, and like anything, if we try to do too much we usually end up doing nothing at all. Use the platform insights to identify where your audience is hanging out. Once you have identified the platforms, look at the formats you are using and see what works best. This way, you can focus on the content that is working for you. 

6. Show up at the right time: Check when your followers are online and when they are engaging and make sure you schedule, post, and engage with people at the right time. It’s so disheartening when you curate the perfect post which you know helps your audience, and no one sees it you may be able to change this by simply tweaking the times! You will need to trial what works for you, though.

7. Leverage your personal brand: We all have a personal brand it is every interaction we have with someone, every email we send and every social media post we write. Don’t be afraid to share yours, it what makes you tick and helps you build and find your tribe.

8. Share behind the scenes content: Sharing behind the scenes content helps your audience understand who you are, how you do what you do, and crucially helps them to relate to you.

9. Engagement: Get out there and talk to your potential customers, the people you learn from and the people who are influential to your followers by liking, commenting and sharing their posts you build credibility, bring your audience the information and content they need and get in front of a broader and potentially different audience who could be on the lookout for your products and services.

10. Take a break: Yes, consistency is vital when marketing your business, but we all need a break from time to time. So if you need one take one, you will come back with fresh ideas and fresh eyes. 

If you are serious about getting your social media to work smarter and harder! Then make sure you sign up for my 5-day challenge: Get Intentional, Get Visible and turn those followers into paying clients or Download: The Ultimate Social Media Content Guide.