If you are investing time, money and resources into marketing your business, you need to know that what you are doing is actually working. These sessions are designed to help you ditch the shoulds, focus on what’s working and get some clear actions you can actually implement.

Each month I am offering one business the chance to win a 60-minute marketing review. Obviously, we can’t cover all of your marketing in 60 minutes so it’s your choice whether we focus on social media or email marketing.

This is your chance to get an expert view on your content, a better understanding of the data and some advice on quick things you can implement to drive results.

It’s up to you, whether you choose to focus on improving your businesses social media presence, or want to develop a better strategy for your email marketing.

Either, way a review will, help you to:

  • Hone in on your key messaging.
  • Understand what type of content works best for you and your audience.
  • Identify some quick fixes to save you time and ensure you are on the right track.
  • Feel more confident about marketing your business online.

How do I enter?

To enter the competition, just submit your details via this form.

The winner will be drawn at random on the last working day of each month and contacted via email.